UKGov has long talked about encouraging STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) subjects.
How about some real life challenges, like 'improve the efficiency of UK's ice rinks'.
Learn something that has a benefit to society.
1. Existing ice rinks remain open - Good
2. Costs are reduced for skaters - Excellent
3. New rinks possibly built - Outstanding
Obviously such ideas need to be realistic, practical, make shrewd business sense; have a return on investment (ROI) etc.
However, here are 21 'blue sky thinking' ideas; some might sound a little crazy, but only using a combination of science + business acumen you can prove the worth, or not.
(any products mentioned doesn't infer endorsement)
(my highest level of academic qualification is GCSEs; you have been warned!)
1. Using the North light to save on lighting costs. I have mentioned this previously here; this would only apply to new builds.
2. Reflective paint; mentioned previously here; an Independent article (13th July 2023) it mentions that "the paint is not yet available for commercial use".
There are other paints available right now (though perhaps not as good) which could be used.
You'd need to calculate the roof area to work out how much paint would be required.
For added fun it's probably not perfectly flat (box/wriggly profile)
3. Radically rethinking ice resurfacing; recently mention here; would be a larger/higher risk Research & Development project.
You'd need the current cost/metrics for resurfacing; water/gas/noise/time/electric; this would be the benchmark to beat.
4. Downgrade a 365 day rink to seasonal; okay so not a popular idea.
Best to let skaters/coaches know well in advance to they can plan ahead for training.
Depending on the rink base, they could possibly have rollers during summer.
Also they might encounter issues; remember the rule for permafrost construction;
"If it’s frozen, keep it frozen; if it’s thawed keep it thawed".
I know Guildford discovered some issues when they started things backup after lockdown.
5. Ice alloys; try using pykrete (a mixture of water and wood fibres; sawdust/tissue paper).
Frozen it's a lot stronger than ice; also relatively it takes longer to melt.
It would make an awesome social video post; would the blades grip properly?
6. Collect rainwater from the roof, and store/filter it into something like multiple IBCs (Intermediate Bulk Containers)
or larger Enduramaxx rainwater tanks. Could be used for resurfacing/toilets etc.
You'd need to check local rainfall records and calculate some ballpark numbers based on the roof/collection size.
7. Drip line heat evaporation from the roof; a novel idea, but all equipment is already tested/available for agricultural irrigation.
Water would be automatically released over the roof to cool it down during hot weather.
8. Double-skin façade; you've seen that foil on some rink ceilings? Why not stop the heat from initially getting into the building.
A product called i-Mesh (fabric; recently used in Dubai) could be externally mounted over the building.
This would reflect heat away, and allow air to circulate underneath.
9. Rethink AC positioning; you've seen that air duct/tube up in the ceiling bringing in cold, conditioned air; seems silly doesn't it?
Why not pump in this air at the floor level; (cold air sinks/hot air rises) Extract the hot air away at the ceiling apex; more efficient?
10. Ice alloys; just as they put titanium dioxide in sun screen to protect against ultraviolet; could you bounce infrared/heat away from the ice pad.
Perhaps a mix of reflective powder;
11. Ice cover; let's say hypothetically the rink is not used between 12:00 (midnight) and 06:00 every day.
6 hours, or 1/4 of a day; 1 day 18 hours per week; ~91 days per year.
Think how they use a bubble cover for swimming pools; keeps the heat in/stops evaporation & debris getting in.
Could something similar be used for ice rinks, but to keep the cold in (and as a bonus stop any drips making stalagmites/holes)
Rolling this in at ice level might difficult from an engineering perspective, however it could go over the top of the plexiglass.
Ceiling mounted on rollers over multiple rails, it would be pulled back in the morning.
The benefit would probably be greater the larger the arena size ratio to the rink size covered.
12. Site survey using infrared/thermal camera; reasonable priced equipment can be attached to an existing smartphone.
You can check how good the insulation is, and how airtight the building is; are there any gaps (plug with expanding foam?)
As a bonus you might spot any dodgy/overloading wiring; you could also share/rotate the equipment with nearby rinks.
13. Reduce outside/inside air mixing; this was mentioned as a plus point for the new Cambridge rink.
Revolving doors are perfect for this; but for wheelchair users, or a netminder dragging their hockey bag it would need to be two-wing.
However this might feel slightly claustrophobic for some people, so perhaps a simple long porch like a mostly airlock.
14. Solar reflective film added to windows, or the use of low emissivity / low-e glass
Obviously only useful for rinks with windows near the pad that get direct sunlight.
15. More efficient dehumidifying; on the outskirts of Lima, Peru they use passive fog-catching nets to obtain water from the air.
Could something similar be used in rinks; only fans would be required; no desiccant or compressor parts/power needed.
Waffle/concertina configurations of netting might be better.
16. Grooved pipe to improve heat transfer; I remember reading about this a while back.
The pipe had small grooves/fins both on the inside and outside, increasing the surface area for heat exchange.
Within the refrigeration plant this could help, resulting in a lower coolant temperature leaving the unit.
(also think of the amazing Zalman heatsinks in desktop computers, but around a pipe)
17. Remove trapped air bubbles/pockets; air is a good insulator, so you don't want it in the coolant pipes.
Air rises so it could literally shield the ice pad from the coolant; how would you know if it was there?
Perhaps an inner grooved pipe to try to corkscrew the liquid and flush the air out? Possible ultrasonic degassing?
Also cavitation may form bubbles after the plumbing has been primed; perhaps reduce the pump speed?
Ideally you want a laminar/streamline flow (as opposed to a turbulent/rough flow)
The physics of fluid dynamics is quite mind blowing!
18. Siphon/syphon liquids; there are many hundreds of metres of pipe in ice rinks, resulting friction loss.
Instead of using electrical power to do all the circulation, why not let gravity do most of the work?
(Obviously a pump would be need to transfer the liquid up from the lower reservoir to the higher one; but less power)
19. No hot showers for hockey; settle down now! Actually there are numerous studies that show the benefits of cold showers for athletes.
Unlike lido swimming & ice baths, where it's strongly advised to build up acclimatisation, showers shouldn't be too bad.
Might be a hard sell in terms of user acceptance; hey, they're hockey players, they can take it right? (maybe just lower the thermostat a bit)
As a bonus you might find that less water gets used!
20. Switch to a charity business model; for tax reasons; may also change the mindset of the approach to running the rink too; investing more in what you're doing.
21. Heat pump to cool the refrigeration plant. Essentially there are two halves of the cycle.
Evaporation side where the heat is extracted away from something; and compressor side where the heat is dumped out of the plant.
Some leisure facilities use this heat for adjacent swimming pool heating.
In the absence of one, a ground-coupled heat exchanger could possibly be used.
That's all I can think of right now.
Feel free to comment, have a giggle, throw in your additional ideas.