Author Topic: Another rink to close  (Read 6867 times)


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Re: Another rink to close
« Reply #22 on: October 09, 2013, 01:31:40 pm »
Given the evidence I'd say some folk(s) aren't telling the truth, or at the very least, they're being economical with the truth.

 ;D ;D ;D  Pretty much!
Please all skating folks, even if you're far far away but you are in general supportive to keep another ice rink open, sign our petition and send it to your friends and colleagues. Thanks for your support so far and let's try to keep ice skating alive in the UK.
Life is just question of priorities...

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Re: Another rink to close
« Reply #23 on: November 02, 2013, 04:10:44 pm »
Hi all,
There has been major development as of this morning!!! This is from our Facebook page..

 "Hi all, we have received the following statement regarding the ice rink from Capital & Regional:

 'Capital & Regional can confirm it is currently exploring whether the ice rink at Jarman Fields can be retained and has entered talks with Planet Ice, the current operator. These discussions have been facilitated by Dacorum Borough Council Leader Andrew Williams who has been closely involved with the development plans for Leisure World and is committed to the modernisation and success of the complex.

 A spokesperson said:...

“There can be no guarantees and we must carefully explore whether the ice rink can be a sustainable part of the development moving forward. However, it is hoped that we can reach an agreement which will secure the future of the ice rink. In the short-term, the rink will remain open and we will make a further statement on longer-term plans as soon as we can."'

 My understanding is that this statement has also been forwarded to the local press."

It's a little victory but it means we have a bit more time and that we managed to bring all involved parties back to the discussing table, we've met some great support from unexpected sides and all in all still working hard towards keeping Hemel Hempstead Ice Rink open..
Great thanks to you all for support and signing our petition.
Life is just question of priorities...

For Fame, Glory and Cuddly toys..

The ice mouse

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Re: Another rink to close
« Reply #24 on: November 02, 2013, 05:16:56 pm »
It is a glimmer of hope - kindle it and it will glow bright

I prefer frozen ice. I will try anything once. I


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Re: Another rink to close
« Reply #25 on: November 02, 2013, 11:45:35 pm »
I'd like to add my thanks to everyone who  signed our petition, each of those signatures helped us get to this point where we can now see a glimmer of hope that we might be able to keep our rink. I thought I'd be skating at Hemel tomorrow morning for the very last time but instead I'll be happy dancing all round the rink! I know we aren't out of the woods yet but things are looking so much more promising than they were yesterday. Keep your fingers crossed!  O0


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Re: Another rink to close
« Reply #26 on: November 09, 2013, 01:18:18 pm »
Hi all,
Many thanks to everyone who signed our petition!  O0
But we are still going and still collecting so if you haven't signed, please log on. Takes a few seconds and might help to keep an ice rink open..
Thanx again
Life is just question of priorities...

For Fame, Glory and Cuddly toys..


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Re: Another rink to close
« Reply #27 on: November 22, 2013, 10:11:40 pm »
Signed and shared on Facebook...
Good luck.

Milton Keynes seems an interesting case... a temporary rink apparently run by volunteer ice groups (2nd para.)


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Re: Another rink to close
« Reply #28 on: November 22, 2013, 10:15:19 pm »
Hope you get a positive outcome.
Started skating 26.7.13
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Re: Another rink to close
« Reply #29 on: November 22, 2013, 10:19:34 pm »
It's looking hopeful at the moment although we aren't yet guaranteed to keep the rink. It will, however, stay open while discussions between the owners and the operators take place so we still have ice for the time being. Never underestimate the power of a petition!


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Re: Another rink to close
« Reply #30 on: January 07, 2014, 07:58:29 pm »
Signed :'(! I know how you feel :( our rink shut down and now I have to travel for at least an hour and a half to get to the next closest rink   :'( :'( :'(


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