Personally I think the thread title is fine. Recognising there is something you set out to achieve but didn't, and looking to find out why you didn't and how you can move forward doesn't seem negative at all, quite the opposite. Although a week is not a long time in skating, I still think it could be an interesting topic for exchange of experiences and ideas.
Of the many things I didn't achieve this week, probably the most disappointing is back outside loop figures. All my other loop figures are vaguely passable, back outsides very hit and miss and horribly scratchy and usually much too small and fizzle out with no "coming out" running edge.
Skate UK from memory seems to teach quite flat mohawks, whereas a mohawk is actually a turn. I think flat ones are rather tricky actually as you need a strong check to stop the BI edge coming round in a tight little semi-circle.