Funny but nterpretation of this "simple step sequence" seems to vary so much. The rule at our rink was that it must include 2 mohawks, two three turns and two chassis. But other than that the coaches varied quite a lot in what order etc which made a big difference in the speed you were doing certain bits.
Ours was
RFI mohawk, crossover, step to forwards LFI mohawk, crossover, step to forwards, 2x chassis to the left, 2 x chassis to the right, LFO 3 turn, Step to forwards, RFO 3, step to forwards, rfi 3 step to forwards neat 1 foot glide and T stop finish with arms.
This was hell as by the time you got to the 3 turns I was going quite fast and every time I fluffed the 1st 3 turn but then was Ok with the last ones. Lots of the kids only got halfway across the rink as thier steps were so small but I kept running out of space! The only thing I found that helped was to count 1,2,3,4 over and over again for the steps which seemed to keep me going.