It depends on your child, but I think the sooner they get out on their own and learn that falling doesn't hurt much (especially when you're only knee high to a grasshopper!) and start trying things on their own, the better. Plus, I wince whenever I see a parent who can't skate struggling with a flailing child (or worse, two!!!) I know you can skate yourself, but it's much harder when supporting a small child! And if you both fell together, two pairs of blades, could be nasty (probably wouldn't be! but could be). If she can potter around on her own, then I would say let her, but stay close to make sure she doesn't wander into the path of anything dangerous. Also make sure she understands that if she falls, she should get up again straight away, less likely to cause any accidents that way! (at club last week two girls had a pile up doing backward crossrolls, was funny... but probably wouldn't be with a three year old at the bottom...)