Author Topic: What did you do in today's lesson?  (Read 363741 times)

The ice mouse

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Re: What did you do in today's lesson?
« Reply #22 on: September 15, 2009, 12:10:13 pm »

In SkateUK level 4 we do everything you said except the bunny hop - that is level 8 or 9 I think

The Ice Mouse

I prefer frozen ice. I will try anything once. I


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Re: What did you do in today's lesson?
« Reply #23 on: September 15, 2009, 01:23:38 pm »
Hi Daydreamer

 If you consider on continuing the group lesson(s) with Queens, you can always go down to group 2 again, if you feel that group 3 is too difficult for you. The coaches usually do not mind.

Eunice Xie (aka londonicechamp)


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Re: What did you do in today's lesson?
« Reply #24 on: September 15, 2009, 01:39:24 pm »

 In my 30 minutes private lesson at 6:00 p.m. today, my coach had me do the following:
a.) forward crossovers (in both directions, in a circle)
b.) scratch spins (coach trying to correct me having another step at the moment, wanted me to cross my leg straight away after holding it for a bit, rather than the leg going down, before crossing)
c.) change foot spin
d.) Freestyle level 2 10 step dance sequence
e.) backspin (from inside 3 turns, get at least one revolution, which was a start)  ;D
f.) waltz jump
g.) waltz jump then ballet jump
h) half flip
i) sprials on the right leg
j) spirals on the left leg (needs to work on this leg more)
k) toe loop
l) salchow
m) salchow then toe loop combination


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Re: What did you do in today's lesson?
« Reply #25 on: September 15, 2009, 11:36:14 pm »
First set of lessons this week

* Foxtrot - edges, timing, pattern - getting the timing better for the lady's mohawk.
* 14-Step - that's improved.  Mohawk no longer so scary since partner has got timing better.
* Starlight Waltz - just how may ways are there to hold your partner incorrectly whilst going for that first lady's mohawk (careful how I phrase that ;))?  Wrong arm position - too firm, too stiff.  Wrong body angle.  Still, it seems to be getting better.  Change hold 3-turn - improving.


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Re: What did you do in today's lesson?
« Reply #26 on: September 16, 2009, 06:59:40 pm »
Hi Daydreamer

 If you consider on continuing the group lesson(s) with Queens, you can always go down to group 2 again, if you feel that group 3 is too difficult for you. The coaches usually do not mind.

Eunice Xie (aka londonicechamp)

Thanks for the advice.  The whole group 2 / group 3 thing has turned into quite a big deal for me.  The thing is, I was stuck in group 2 for a year and didn't make any progress for ages.  So I started skating elsewhere at the beginning of the year with the intention that when I went back to Queens, I would be good enough to go into group 3.  I do'nt think I'm there yet.

Anyway, I didn't have a skating lesson today (or on Sunday) as I've got a cough >:(

Started skating: 9/1/08
Started Skate UK: 8/3/09
Passed Levels 1-3: 29/3/09
Passed Level 4: 24/5/09
Passed Level 5: 5/7/09
Passed Level 6: 16/8/09
Passed Level 7: 6/12/09
Passed Level 8: 19/2/11


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Re: What did you do in today's lesson?
« Reply #27 on: September 16, 2009, 11:12:32 pm »
In tonights lesson (Adult Developement) we did the following:

Warm up -
Forward Stroking
Backward Stroking
Forward Cross Rolls
Backward Cross Rolls

Spinning -
One foot spin
Worked on the correct entrance to the one foot spin
Put them all together

Footwork 1 -  
Consecitive 3 turns around a circle with backwards outside edge hold after each turn
Backwards 3 turns, starting from a backwards edge
Progressed to doing a forward 3 and then backwards 3

Toe stepping -
Forwards stepping on toepicks
Backwards stepping on toepicks
Side Stepping on toepicks
Side jumping on toepicks
Bunny Hops
Side step and then three turn and back to a side step the other way and three turn etc

After the lesson I practiced the three jump from a relative speed and also managed to make some progress on the salchow.

I'm a happy bunny  O0

Currently working on:
Spins - Sit, Camel & Scratch
Jumps - Loop & Flip


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Re: What did you do in today's lesson?
« Reply #28 on: September 16, 2009, 11:26:16 pm »
Hi BeckyM,

Just wanted to introduce myself on the forum now that we've met properly hehe! You were in my group in Adult Development (I was with my Chinese boyfriend if that helps!) - I'm glad you enjoyed the session!

I really am glad that I was brave enough to come, as I really did enjoy it! I struggled with a lot of things - including the back 3-turns and the back crossrolls, but it's nice to give lots of different things a go!

I saw you try dancing with Jeff (sp?) after the session - how's that going?

It's nice to make new friends anyway, even if you are going to uni soon...

See you next week?

Amber :)
Started Skate UK: 13/09/2008
Passed Skate UK grade 10: 01/08/2009
Passed Passport bronze dance: 09/09/2009
Passed Passport silver dance: 21/10/2009
Passed Passport gold dance: 2/12/2009
Passed Passport bronze free: 16/12/2009
Currently working on silver free and field moves 1 :)


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Re: What did you do in today's lesson?
« Reply #29 on: September 17, 2009, 12:04:40 am »
Hiyaaaa  :) 

I really enjoyed tonights adult developement! Unfortunatly it will be the last one I can go to as I am moving to Bristol on Friday for uni :( !! Really going to miss Nottingham.

Haha with the dancing well it's just for fun really, I'm more into free rather than dance but it's good to try something new :)

Hopefully I'll see you when I return to Nottingham at another Adult Dev :) Keep up the good work  O0
Currently working on:
Spins - Sit, Camel & Scratch
Jumps - Loop & Flip


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Re: What did you do in today's lesson?
« Reply #30 on: September 17, 2009, 12:19:49 am »
Well, I hope that uni goes well when you go back :) Enjoy the skating, and see you at Christmas maybe?

Take care :) Amber
Started Skate UK: 13/09/2008
Passed Skate UK grade 10: 01/08/2009
Passed Passport bronze dance: 09/09/2009
Passed Passport silver dance: 21/10/2009
Passed Passport gold dance: 2/12/2009
Passed Passport bronze free: 16/12/2009
Currently working on silver free and field moves 1 :)


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Re: What did you do in today's lesson?
« Reply #31 on: September 17, 2009, 01:23:13 am »
Becky, Amber, that sounds a great set of things to do in a lesson.  I hope to reach the standard where I can do those too one day.

Daydreamer, I hope your cough is something trivial and you don't end up incapacitated for days on end like hanca was - we need you to be fit for the 10th October!

Ezika (you get your own section), it sounds like you're having a huge amount of fun with your lessons and rehearsals.  You have also come on amazingly since this;

I struggle with one foot glides too. Failed level three a couple of weeks ago on the one foot glide on a curve and backwards lemons

Today I worked on my confidence in my own skates (completely shot since the first time I wore them I fell over about ten times in as many minutes, with the last one resulting in a very painful tailbone injury!). I managed to get across the coned off area (no holding onto the barrier!) for the first time in my own skates! Very happy, although most of it was backwards lemons, lol! I find them easier than forward skating (constantly jab in my toepick!), but even that is improving... slowly.

Going again tomorrow (making the most of the four day weekend even if the buses are rubbish)m and gonna see if I can get across the rink going forwards (and not cheating by lemoning it!) and maybe try one foot gliding

That was in April.  What a difference!  O0

I'm not aware there is any sort of a christmas show at my rink otherwise I'd no doubt be practising too :(

eunicexie, it's always good to see what you're up to :) 

Mysique, I would love to be able to do a bunny hop.  I'm sure I could do one without too much effort but I'm not 100% sure what one is!

Ice Mouse, I look forward to seeing your newly discovered skills when we skate together in October.  I ought to try chassés again as it's been a few weeks.

I am going to attempt a small group lesson tomorrow.  If it's successful it will be more due to pharmacology than my arm healing!  I'm going to be dosed up on so many things when I leave the house that if I fall at the rink, I'll rattle!

« Last Edit: September 17, 2009, 01:26:04 am by caffn8me »

Skate UK start: 24/02/09
Met The Ice Mouse: 27/03/09
Broke wrist: 24/04/09
NISA L1 FM pass: 29/03/10
English Style Prelim test: 7/08/11
Working on: L2, L3, L4 FM, L1 Comp.Dance

Spiders on coffee


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Re: What did you do in today's lesson?
« Reply #32 on: September 17, 2009, 08:58:21 am »
Sarah you always boost my confidence so well :D  :-*

Yesterday we quickly went over the two foot spin and backwards snowplow, then worked on my backwards one foot glide and forward crossovers. My backwards one foot is improving, I am now starting off straight before going onto an inside edge, and I'm holding it longer, it's just not in a straight line. Last week my clockwise crossovers would've passed, this week they went to pieces but my anti-clockwise ones were a pass (my coach and another coach both agreed). I think my coach was confused by the failure of my clockwise ones though lol

Then we worked on the tango, cause I had struggled with it on tuesday. I get confused and left behind lol. I think I more or less get the steps now, until the very end with crossovers and swinging through. Except I'm doing crossovers instead of runs. She asked me if I liked the foxtrot and I was like "yeeees" rather unconvincingly lol. I know it's good for me to practice edges and stuff, but i find it a bit boring.

Then we went onto level 6 and did backwards chasses which she said could be a pass if only I could keep my feet together. And I think i need to hold my outside edge a bit better and for longer as well. We started on three turns, but then decided to work on forward drags, cause they're in one of the routines for the show and I've never been shown them properly before.

I'm under orders to work on level 5 stuff for at least half an hour every practice session, and to overdose on crossovers. I think they should be passable when test week comes round, I'm more worried about my backwards one foot glides

Started Skate UK 10/1/09
Passed Gold free 26/8/10

Working on upright spin, back spin, sit spin, camel spin, salchow, toe loop, loop, level 1FM


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