Rehersals on Sunday and Monday were really fun! The coach was telling the kids standing next to me that if we included pivots and another weird toepick kicky step thing in the routine, they'd have to practice them, and I was nodding as well to show I would be practicing and she said "Oh I know you will Erica!" which was lovely
She's not my regular coach, so it's nice that she notices improvements in my skating and knows how hard I work at it.
Need to work on my forward drags, I'm gonna ask my coach to show me how to do them properly in my lesson tomorrow, as I've done them from jsut watching everyone else so far.
Today I did an adult group lesson before work, which was really good. There was 9 skaters and 3 coaches, so plenty of help, which was important as there was quite a spread of abilities.
I got to try forward crossrolls again, and even attempt backwards. Which aren't really anything unless I'm holding onto the coaches hands lol, but she said she didn't expect me to be able to do them yet anyway, so I'm just happy I had a go
We also learned the novice foxtrot, which I've done before, and the Tango, which I haven't. Which meant doing slip steps and crossroll swing over thingies for the first time. I tend to get a bit left behind and lose the pattern of the dance very quickly lol. But again, I had coaches helping me and going round holding on to me, which really helped. With the tango I get confused and want to do crossovers instead of swings though, and then I get confused about which foot I'm slipping.
But it was really fun, looking forward to next week.