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General Ice Skating Chat / Re: Encouraging STEM, saving ice skating
« Last Post by transmissionoftheflame on January 19, 2025, 03:37:57 pm »
Indeed. I don’t believe in the “climate emergency” but if you truly did you’d shut down every rink immediately as they consume a huge amount of energy.
General Ice Skating Chat / Re: Skating goals for 2025
« Last Post by transmissionoftheflame on January 19, 2025, 03:35:45 pm »
I’m reminded of this:

Lady with questionnaire : Do you have time off from work because of drinking or has your work performance suffered because of alcohol?
Jeffrey Bernard : The situation is very much the reverse. Work frequently interferes with my drinking.
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    General Ice Skating Chat / Re: Skate Excellence Level 2 Help!
    « Last Post by transmissionoftheflame on January 19, 2025, 03:14:16 pm »
    Makes sense and I think it’s a Skate Excellence thing which I actually think is useful- I do variations of this every time I get in skates to get myself used to the skates and the surface especially as I switch between ice and wheels and different wheel surfaces (outdoor vs different types of indoor).
    General Ice Skating Chat / Re: Fens skating
    « Last Post by transmissionoftheflame on January 19, 2025, 02:46:51 pm »
    People seem to manage with the ice consistency from the videos I have seen. Where I to attempt it, I would only do so in the company of experienced fen skaters.
    General Ice Skating Chat / Re: skate excellence Level 1 skills
    « Last Post by transmissionoftheflame on January 19, 2025, 02:41:02 pm »
    Wise words as ever from black.

    Skating has been immensely rewarding for me despite me being a pretty slow learner - it’s worth sticking with it, enjoying the process and being patient.

    My recollection of Skate Excellence was that it was invented primarily to support the launch of “Off Ice Skating” and the collaboration with PI came later. The lady who developed it did I think sincerely feel that the NISA as-was learn to skate program could be substantially improved upon. I was around at the time as she coached my kids for a while.  Whether or not it’s an improvement I am not sure - probably both systems have their advantages and I think who is teaching it is at least as important as the system used.
    General Ice Skating Chat / Re: Encouraging STEM, saving ice skating
    « Last Post by black on January 19, 2025, 01:55:29 pm »
    Totally agree; I fear that like NISA/BIS, the ISU has been 'influenced' - they are now a 'vehicle' used to push an agenda.

    Sentences like this are really creepy; what are they not telling us?

    "The ISU recognizes that it must embrace sustainability as an imperative to protect its ‘licence to operate’ and fully maximizes the influence of ice skating as a force for positive behavioral change and planetary protection."
    General Ice Skating Chat / Re: Skating goals for 2025
    « Last Post by black on January 19, 2025, 01:47:22 pm »
    Just try and get some more skating in; work seems to getting in the way a bit at the moment.

    HR exit interview: Why have you decided to leave this role?
    Me: I can't seem to get enough ice skating done.
    HR: ...
    HR: I'll admit we haven't heard that reason before.
    General Ice Skating Chat / Re: Skate Excellence Level 2 Help!
    « Last Post by black on January 19, 2025, 01:41:12 pm »
    Some one has posted the levels 1-6 here. From looking at Grade 2 (where tight rope is first mentioned) it sounds like a two foot glide, similarly to how you'd walk a tight rope; one foot directly in front of the other.
    General Ice Skating Chat / Re: Fens skating
    « Last Post by black on January 19, 2025, 01:25:49 pm »
    I know what you mean; looking back I probably should of been flooding the patio area to make my own rink, but when it was really cold I just wanted to stay in and hibernate. It must be nice though when the sky is clear since you'd get the radiant heat from the winter sun. One thing I do wonder about for outdoor skating is the ice consistency.
    General Ice Skating Chat / Re: skate excellence Level 1 skills
    « Last Post by black on January 19, 2025, 01:18:23 pm »
    Doesn't sound right at all.

    'Skate Excellence' is a relatively new syllabus, which was invented when the group of Planet Ice, and NISA/BIS had a 'parting of ways'. It's quite probably there is room for improvement.

    My philosophy of learning is that you should progressively build on what you can currently do.

    A skating coach is responsible for their students, and regardless of what the level states, they should exercise judgement as to whether someone is ready to tackle a move.

    Ice skating is an inherently dangerous sport; there is protective clothing that may help.

    Take some time to heal up, and perhaps try a find a quiet public session to pootle around and see if you're ready to get back to the lessons; try and have a quick chat with the coach beforehand.
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